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Name: Tef Greywall

Player: Micheal Mcclure

Race: Human

Class: Fighter 

Level: 1

     GROUP 1


Tef was a simple man living a simple life, not a terrible amount of excitement can be expected for a simple guard of Badgeport, he and his twin sister Oleana shared a small domicile just outside the edge of town ever since their mother had passed from the fever nearly ten years ago.

     Then one night a drifter came to visit, seemingly weak and starving, there was little Tef could do to cool the always warm and bleeding heart of his sister and before he could protest the stranger had a seat by the fire and a meal in his thin worn hands. By the time Tef noticed the arcane runes carved into the strangers arms it was too late, all was lost, the stranger had already been casting a silent incantation to transport his quarry, Tef's sister, and himself to the abyss as tribute to his dark lord.

   Tef threw himself in to the portal right after the bastard to try to get his only family back only to find himself at the feet of a gargantuan stinking beast of a demon that was already devouring Oleana while the damnable stranger cackled on with glee. Time doesn't pass the same in the abyss as it does here, and Tef still doesn't know how long it took him to find a way out back home, finding himself upon his bed sweating, and stinking slightly of sulfur. 

He doesn't know how long he was gone, he only knows his sister is lost, as is a part of himself he sees her face in agony every time he closes his eyes. He will find vengeance on the stranger in this life or the next

but he must venture on.


NAME: "Runt" 

PLAYER: Mark Williams

RACE: Half-Orc

CLASS: Barbarian


Hmm. What you want to know about Runt? Runt born to Orc Moon Bear Clan. Runt told mother was
beautiful, strong, Amazon woman. Not that strong though. Runt mother died shortly after Runt born.
Runt not really sad. Runt never knew Amazon mother. Runt raised by father as Orc in Moon Bear Clan
up in the Trumax mountains. Because Runt half-blood, Runt was smaller than other Orcs. That why
Runt get named Runt by father. Runt have hard time as child. Runt picked on because of half-blood and
small size. Runt happy that change when Runt get older. Amazon mother's blood kick in and Runt grow
big and tall. Runt grow taller and bigger than Orc clan mates that make fun of Runt when child. That
make Runt happy. Runt learn lots growing up in Moon Bear Clan. Runt learn how to forage for food.
Runt learn how to hunt and trap wild animals. Runt learn how to skin and cook for clothing and food.
Runt learn how to fight and defend self and clan. Runt was happy being member of Moon Bear Clan
high up in the mountains.
Runt remembers how that all changed. Runt recall the night Infernal creatures come and attack Runt's
people. Runt remembers how big they were, how their eyes glowed red. Runt help fight them, but they
were too many and too strong. Runt get clawed across chest, still has Infernal scar that sometimes
glows orangish-red. Runt get clawed by Infernal creature and then Runt understand Infernal language.
Runt not know why. Runt then get slapped with tail of creature and thrown back into cave wall. Runt
pass out just as cave began to collapse. Runt wake up days later. Runt not know how long, but from
smell, Runt think a few days. Runt dig way out of cave and find rest of clan all dead. Runt very sad.
Runt cry as Runt bury clan members including own father. Runt find chieftain, and take up his greataxe.
It symbol of clan leadership. Runt only member of Moon Bear Clan left, so greataxe belong to Runt now.
Runt left mountains for first time. Runt travel down to valley below. Runt travel along great open
pathway of stones and come across many wagons. Runt see them being attacked by group of Gnolls.
Runt not like Gnolls, they once tried to attack his clan in the mountains. Runt help people with wagons
defeat the Gnolls. Wagon people very grateful for Runt's help. Runt remember they say they gypsies
traveling with the circus. Runt not know what that means. Runt only know they were nice to Runt.
They ask if Runt come with them to Badgeport? Runt be like clan guard to keep them safe. Runt say
okay. Runt going that way anyhow. Runt remember traveling with gypsies for many days and saw many
small towns and villages. When we got to Badgeport, gypsies asked if Runt want to join their clan and
travel with circus? Runt say no. Runt last of Moon Bear Clan. Runt has destiny to do great things so
clan can be remembered. Runt not be able to do that if joins circus gypsies. Gypsies understand Runt.
They offered to find Runt nice adventuring party to join so Runt can meet with his destiny. That how
Runt meet you.


NAME: Vincent   Velaroe

PLAYER: Eddie Gilliard

RACE: Human

CLASS: Ranger


   The Velaroe family lineage goes back hundreds of years. They were a family of scholars as well as adventurers. In the century before the great undead scourge, the family was best known for their skill at hunting down and killing the most dangerous and exotic beast, monstrosities, and demons of all kinds. The family also operated a inn that served as a waypoint for travels and adventurers alike. There the family collected stories from the adventures and added them to their great library hid underground beneath the inn. The library held the secrets the family had collected from their own ventures as well as the stories told at the inn. Rumors that the library holds information on all types of things and also some magical secrets.
   One night a strange adventure showed up at the inn claiming to have insight to a coming danger.

He said he needed the help of the family on closing a portal to the abyss. What he actually wanted was a sacred amulet that would open a portal to the abyss and the spell to use it which had been held in the library for hundreds of years, and was all but forgotten. for this was no ordinary adventurer, it was the evil liche Verclax in disguise and he knew just how to play to the ego of the Veleroe family who had become very confident in themselves and their abilities. He tricked the family got the amulet and opened a portal that allowed the demonlord Orcus to unleash his hordes of undead upon Xexia.  After convincing Robert Veloroe the family elder to read the spell the portal opened up destoying the inn and releasing the army of the undead upon the land. 
  Even though the heros known as the Winter Knights foiled Orcus's plans. The sly one known as Gilthanus Silverstar managed to destroy many cities and kill a large number of the population before he was destroyed by the heroes.

The months and years after the undead war the family was persecuted and excommunicated by the church. Hated by everyone the family sank into oblivion and the library with all its secrets and knowledge lost. 
  Now a century later the family believed long dead, their deeds all but forgotten. A young man cleaning out his recently deceased parents estate comes across a old chests hidden in the basement. Inside the chest a journal a old map, and a cloak bearing the crest of the once great family. Donning the cloak, from that day forward the young Vincent Valeroe knew it was up to him to restore honor to his family name and continue their once great work. leaving all he knew behind he set out following the map in search of the great library and more of his familys storied past


Name: Illianya Sabreath

Player: Michelle Ratliff

Race: Wood Elf

Class: Warlock

Level: 1

Living a life of luxury isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. Sure, I don’t have to worry about where my next meal comes from, but the constant snobbery and sucking up gets old. My mother and father were two of the infamous Winter Knights. My mother, Alorea, raised me in Badgeport and I’ve never met my father, Darkrin.

Mom says I’m a lot like my father. He always had his nose in a book and dreamed of the power of magic. Maybe when I meet him, I’ll understand what pulled me in this direction. Mother tried to train me in the ways of nature, but it just wasn’t for me. I would rather hide away with a book learning as much as I can. That is one reason I hate going to the social events with her. Too many people want to talk about meaningless things like rumor and money.

Now that I have reached adulthood I am told its time for things to be revealed. As I was growing up I always felt like something was missing, a piece of me was incomplete. Mom would always tell me, “Everything will be revealed when the time was right.” I never understood, but I assume it has to do with my father because he will soon be here. I will finally be able to ask the questions I’ve wanted too.

“Why did you think it was better to leave? Why did you never visit?” The only thing is will I like the answers.

No matter the answers it is time to find my path in this life. I do not want to be known as Alorea and Darkrin’s daughter for the rest of my life. I will make my mark on this world. I will gain the knowledge and experience. After the circus I have arranged to set off into the realm with others I have gotten to know in town. Maybe I will find what has been missing in my life all this time. Only time will tell what things I will discover.


Name: Kai Sabreath

Player: Derrick Charlton

Race: Wood Elf

Class: Cleric

Level: 1

“Hello, I am Kai Sabreath, Nice to meet you.”


“Hi, I’m Kai Sabreath! It's so good to meet you finally?”


“Hello Mother, I’m Kai, but I bet you knew that.” *hugs a statue in front of him* 

*mumbling something under his breath* “Tomorrow is one of the biggest days in your life get it together Kai. I only thought those tests were hard that dad gave me in homeschooling. This is major stuff; I wonder if she even remembers me. I wonder if any of the stories are true that dad told me about Alorea. I guess I will have to ask mother about them when I meet her”, grinning from ear to ear.

I have been waiting years for this day I need to get sleep, so I don’t greet her then fall asleep at her feet. Kai moves towards home thinking what wonderful things might come tomorrow and trying to keep away the negative thoughts. Remembering what his clerical father has taught him; always stay positive. He walks into his home to see his dad fast asleep in his chair, with a book in his hand, as usual. Kai covers him up. Kai shuffles off to the bed covering himself and closing his eyes.

What seems like seconds after closing his eyes he begins to see things happening around him. He looks down to see he is smaller and younger. Thinking to himself “I remember this I was about ten years old, and dad had to save me from the Cobra.” *looks around intensely*

“I don’t see it where it is? It's going to get me.” I stand up and start to run. I grow taller than I was just a moment ago.

*looking around*

I see the kid that use to laugh and tease me every chance he got. I stop, walk over to him, and look him in the eye.

He says, “What you are looking at elf?”

I stand taller than him in my boots.

I say, “I am looking at nothing; you are a nothing.”

I turn to walk away, and he pushes me. In a split second, I react by shooting fire from my hands at his head. He doesn’t duck out of the way in time, and his body is quickly engulfed in flames. The poor kid is screaming and writhing in pain.

I am suddenly wracked with the guilt of what I have done. I turn and run hoping no one has seen me. Before I know it, there is a forest around me, and it is familiar but not overly so.  Next thing I know I'm hanging upside down by one of my feet. Now I remember the time I went exploring and got caught in a trap. I look around for my dad, but I don’t see him. I see a lot of the townspeople coming up, laughing and pointing. In the middle, there is a girl who is not laughing and pointing; she looks just like me. I yell to the people to let me down. They keep laughing and pointing, I keep swinging on the rope and screaming, and suddenly I'm back in my home in my bed sitting bolt upright.

The house is dark and cold now. I throw the covers off and go to the fireplace. It's only embers now, so I throw more wood on the embers. Then I look at the amulet, my holy symbol, and pray to Mielikki. I pray for protection and forgiveness as I finish my prayer I hear my dad’s soft voice.

“Another bad dream son?”

I nod my head.

“I am sorry. Hopefully, the trip tomorrow will clear some of that up. You should go back to bed when you get warm you need the rest for the trip.”

I nod and soak in the heat from the now blazing fire. Dad pets me on the head like a kid.

“Goodnight, son, rest well when you go.”

As dad walks out of the room, I look over at the fire and see the logs I put in aren’t even burning yet. Dad cast a spell to help me warm faster. That was nice of him, I think, and heat a little longer and head to bed.

This time when I drift off to sleep I dream I am with a group of people. People I don’t know. There is the girl that looks like me; she is with us. We are going across the lands looking for something, I don’t know what, but it must be important because we are in a hurry. I am worried about myself my mom, my dad, and all the people of Xexia. The girl turns and says, “I’m not a dream.”

I awake to my dad shaking me. “It’s time to go, son, you have slept longer than I should have let you. So make haste when getting ready.”

Dad sulks off in his robes. I wonder why my dad is wearing those robes he hasn’t worn those since I have known him. I get up and get dressed. I grab my mace, and crossbow just in case something happens and pray one more time holding my amulet. Just as I finish my prayer, Dad opens the front door a cool breeze comes flowing in. The birds are singing, and snow falls off just outside the front door where dad would have stepped had he not expected it.

Dad mumbles. “That’s the third time this week.”

Waiting a few seconds longer looking back at me then he takes a couple of steps outside and just like last time an acorn hits him in the head. He looks around quickly staff at the ready.

He screams, “I’ll get you, you little punk squirrel! I have disintegrated people; you are nothing you hear me! NOTHING!”

I shake my head and follow him out the door squinting my eyes at the bright sun. As we trek off to find my mom and enjoy the circus, I say to my dad, “Tell me how you saved the world again. Its been a while……”

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